The Special Class Authorization for Digital Literacy and Information Theory is an online program that will prepare Teacher Librarians to serve as instructors of record to teach digital literacy and information theory in face-to-face and online settings. The Special Class Authorization allows the holder of a service credential to teach content related to their area of service in departmentalized classrooms in preschool, K-12, and classes organized primarily for adults.
The holder of a Teacher Librarian Services Credential who completes the additional standards and earns a Special Class Authorization will be able to teach departmentalized courses in information and digital literacy, including the nature, architecture and cycle of information and digital citizenship for the ethical, legal and safe use of information and technology.
This section is offered only for students who already hold a Teacher Librarian Services Credential. It is not open to students who are matriculated in or accepted to the Teacher Librarian Services Credential Program or the MS in Educational Technology and Media Leadership.