Satisfactory completion of 31 units of approved graduate courses to include:
- Take all of the following courses (22 units):
- EMER 500 Information Literacy and Practical Writing Applications for Emergency Management (3); Prerequisites: None.
- EMER 506 Emergency Planning and Management (3) Prerequisites: None.
- EMER 530 Applied Research Methods and Analytical Techniques for Decision Support and Innovation (4) Prerequisites: EMER 506.
- EMER 540 Emergency Management Organizations: Constructs for Influencing Complex Systems (3) Prerequisites: None.
- EMER 548 Risk, Crisis, and Inter-Agency Communications (3) Prerequisites: EMER 500.
- EMER 661 Emergency Management Leadership Across the Megacommunity (3) Prerequisites: EMER 500, EMER 506, EMER 530, and EMER 540.
- EMER 671 Strategic Planning and Integrative Practices in Emergency Services Administration (3) Prerequisites: EMER 500, EMER 506, EMER 530, EMER 540, and EMER 548.
Project Students take the following course:
- EMER 694 - Project: Strategic Planning and Integrative Practices in Emergency Services Administration (3 units)
Thesis students take the following course:
- EMER 698 Thesis (3 units) Prerequisites: Advancement to Candidacy.
Comprehensive Exam students take the following course:
- EMER 697, Directed Studies. Prerequisites: EMER 500, EMER 506, and EMER 530.
In addition:
- Students complete two additional elective courses selected in consultation with a faculty advisor (6 units).
Courses - EMER Graduate Level:
500. Information Literacy and Practical Writing Applications for Emergency Management (3)
Research processes and methods for retrieving emergency management information. Writing preparation for academic and professional documents in emergency management. On-campus and free-source e-learning technologies to interface with program content, student and faculty communications, and course projects and evaluations. Construction of webpages.
506. Emergency Planning and Management (3)
Broad foundation for current practices and theory in emergency management and homeland security. Principles and components of a comprehensive risk management program are assessed. Topics include mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery, resilience, vulnerability, and multi-sectoral roles.
530. Applied Research Methods and Analytical Techniques for Decision Support and Innovation (4)
Prerequisite: EMER 506
Critical analysis of interdisciplinary research, theory and multi-methods appropriate for application within emergency services and management are examined using quantitative and qualitative analysis.
540. Emergency Management Organizations: Constructs for Influencing Complex Systems (3)
Historical events, policies, and complex organizational settings that shape emergency management organizations. Critical reviews of modern and post-modern organizational theories associated with complex systems. Strategic improvements in emergency management organizations.
Letter grade only (A-F).
547. Continuity of Operations, Recovery, and Emergency Management (3)
Development and maintenance of comprehensive emergency management programs for business and industry. Plan development and implementation, vulnerability analysis, hazard identification, life safety, property protection, communications and community outreach.
548. Risk, Crisis, and Inter-Agency Communications (3)
Theory and practical applications of emergency communications for those responding to or managing response to widespread natural and human-induced disasters.
601. Technology, Cybersecurity, and Emergency Management (3)
Prerequisite: EMER 500 and EMER 506.
Role of technology in effective emergency management. Exploration of Internet, disaster simulation software, and geographic tools such as GIS, GPS, and direct and remote sensing devices through case study analyses and in-class simulations.
605. Population Health Constructs for the Emergency Services Sector (3)
Prerequisite: EMER 506 or consent of instructor.
Roles and responsibilities of the public health system in emergency management. Structure of public health systems, management tools, public health intervention strategies, communication, collaboration, and ethical considerations. Role of public health regarding assessments following disasters and maintaining public health standards.
631. International Emergency Administration Systems: Comparative Analysis (3)
Prerequisite: EMER 500
Comparative analysis of international emergency management systems and structures. Implications of emerging threats and disasters in an increasingly interdependent world.
661. Emergency Management Leadership Across the Megacommunity (3)
Competencies of professional emergency management defined through the megacommunity. Models of strategic leadership in all phases of disaster management, with often competing professional organizations and networks, across culturally and economically diverse constituencies, and for natural or human-made disasters.
671. Strategic Planning and Integrative Practices in Emergency Services Administration (3)
Prerequisites: EMER 500, EMER 506, EMER 530, EMER 540, and EMER 548.
Systematic strategies and integrative techniques applied toward the culminating work of a thesis, project, or comprehensive exam.
690. Selected Topics in Emergency Management (1-6)
Prerequisites: EMER 500 and EMER 506. Group investigation of selected topics. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 units with different topics in the same semester. Topics announced in the Schedule of Classes.
694. Project: Strategic Planning and Integrative Practices in Emergency Services Administration (3 units)Prerequisites: EMER 671 and Advancement to CandidacyCapstone course synthesizing research in emergency services management and research methodologies leading to the development and implementation of a project designed to provide solutions to a problem within the emergency services meta-community. May be conducted individually or in a group.
695. Independent Study (1-6)
For students who wish to focus their studies on a specific area of emergency services administration which coincides with a faculty member's research or practical expertise.
697. Directed Studies (3)
Prerequisites: EMER 500, EMER 506, and EMER 530.
Research in an area of specialization under the direction of a faculty member.
698. Thesis (1-4)
Prerequisites: EMER 671 and Advancement to Candidacy.
Planning, preparation, and completion of a thesis.