Child Developmnt and Family Stds (CDFS)
Session: May 19 - Jun 06, 2025 (SSI)
CDFS 319 - Family Stress and Coping
Section Schedule

Communication Studies (COMM)
Session: May 19 - Jun 06, 2025 (SSI)
COMM 110 - Interpersonal Communication
Section Schedule

Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
Section Schedule

Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
COMM 330 - Intercultural Communication
Section Schedule

Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
COMM 352 - Story Telling
Section Schedule

Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
COMM 414 - Communication in Families
Section Schedule

Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
COMM 421 - Comm-Bargaining & Negotiation
Section Schedule

Prerequisite and/or co-requisite - see University Catalog.
Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
COMM 432 - Leadership Communication
Section Schedule

Prerequisite and/or co-requisite - see University Catalog.
Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
Food Science (FSCI)
Session: May 19 - Jun 06, 2025 (SSI)
FSCI 101 - Franken Food: Fact or Sci Fi
Section Schedule

Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
Gerontology (GERN)
Session: May 19 - Jun 06, 2025 (SSI)
GERN 400 - Perspectives on Gerontology
Section Schedule

Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
GERN 401 - Human Aging
Section Schedule

Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
Health Science (H SC)
Session: May 19 - Jun 06, 2025 (SSI)
H SC 425 - Human Sexuality & Sex Educatn
Section Schedule

Prerequisite and/or co-requisite - see University Catalog.
Open to upper division students only.
Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
History (HIST)
Session: May 19 - Jun 06, 2025 (SSI)
HIST 172 - Early United States History
Section Schedule

Face-to-Face On-Campus Instruction: Face-to-face instruction will take place in a classroom on campus. Check course syllabus for details.
HIST 173 - Recent United States History
Section Schedule

Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
Kinesiology (KIN)
Session: May 19 - Jun 06, 2025 (SSI)
KIN 156 - Sports Appreciation
Section Schedule

Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
KIN 339 - Psych Sport Behavior & Perform
Section Schedule

Prerequisite and/or co-requisite - see University Catalog.
Open to upper division students only.
Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
KIN 476 - Physical Educ Elem Teachers
Section Schedule

Online Synchronous Instruction: instructor and students normally participate at the same time on a set schedule, students expected to be available to participate on indicated days at specified times; may include asynchronous online work; check course syllabus for details. Camera use may be required for synchronous online courses. Students in need of appropriate technology resources should contact
Section Schedule

Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
KIN 579 - Psych of Sport Inj
Section Schedule

Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
Political Science (POSC)
Session: May 19 - Jun 06, 2025 (SSI)
POSC 100 - Intro American Government
Section Schedule

Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
POSC 391 - American Government
Section Schedule

Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
Psychology (PSY)
Session: May 19 - Jun 06, 2025 (SSI)
PSY 351 - Social Psychology
Section Schedule

Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
PSY 354 - Psychology of Women
Section Schedule

Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
PSY 457 - Psychology of Sexuality
Section Schedule

Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
Recreation (REC)
Session: May 19 - Jun 06, 2025 (SSI)
REC 340 - Leisure Contemporary Society
Section Schedule

Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.
Online Asynchronous Instruction: instructor and students participate at different times; no set schedule for face-to-face or synchronous online meetings; check course syllabus for details.