Digital Badge
Why a Digital Badge?
Have you ever completed a class or a program, and been so excited about what you learned that you could hardly wait to let people know about your new skills and abilities? You received a Certificate, and perhaps even Continuing Education Units, but those only indicate where and when you received your training. You can add them to your CV or portfolio, but what you learned seems so much bigger!
A Digital Badge not only shows the name of the program, where the learning took place, and the date, it shows what you learned, the skills taught, and what you had to do to successfully complete the program to be awarded the Digital Badge!
After successfully completing the program, your Digital Badge is awarded via – the free global platform that is the home of Digital Badges. You create a Backpack in Badgr and your Digital Badge is yours; printable and portable to your digital resume, LinkedIn page, Facebook Page, Instagram, and other social media.
The Digital Badge shows what you’ve done! It’s the differentiator that puts you ahead!